Category: Personal

Ripping the band aid off

We are humans. As humans, we feel. When we are happy, we smile, we laugh. When we are sad, we cry. When we hurt, we bleed. And when I bleed, I put a band aid on wherever the wound is. I don’t like seeing the wound, I don’t like seeing the blood. I don’t want to see a reminder of the hurt. So yes, I’m an advocate of putting a band aid on it. No matter how small a wound is, no matter how obstructed from sight it is, put a band aid on it. Doesn’t matter if the wound ... Read more

Follow your pain

Follow your pain is the contrast of the famous line follow your bliss. Most of our pains in life ought to tell us something or rather to teach us something. But sometimes, we tend to miss the lessons because pain as path to follow is never ideal. We even tend to do away from it as much as possible. But perhaps, following your pain will lead you into something. The journey may not be as light as following your bliss but surely there is something significant that you may discover as you go along or as you arrive at the ... Read more


We are a race capable of great compassion and of great violence.  “Optimus Prime” (Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen) Humans have been born with two specific tendencies, to be good and to be evil. Our freewill has always been challenged with these tendencies. True, sometimes it is easy to fall into temptation and just be as evil as you can be. In facing life’s circumstances, things have always been twice as tough as choosing the right thing and actually doing it. What makes it difficult? Choosing right over wrong? Doing something right over something wrong? The difficulty may arise ... Read more

Too Much

Feeling too much sometimes make us afraid of what may come next. To feel too much especially for someone makes us vulnerable since it threatens our own protective instinct for our own existence. It makes us aware that one strange person in this entire world manage to matter in our life. It makes us crave for something that wasn’t part of our being, that wasn’t there in the first place, but that something made everything in us insignificant. The shift from our own possessiveness in our lives to that of someone else weakens our individuality.  At some point, we manage ... Read more


Would there be bracing mornings would there be brighter futures would there be just dealings would there be still hopes should there be more sunrise to behold should there be more dreams to hold should there be more crumbs to taste should there be more mist to savor could there be greener pastures could there be delightful tomorrows could there be fairer skies could there be blissful days how would I escape from these blues? how should I? could I? I must  

What is Before God

Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἐποίησεν ὁ θεὸς τὸν οὐρανὸν καὶ τὴν γῆν. “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth”. Scientist never stop researching and studying to solve all mysteries in the world and derive concrete explanations for the origins of every living. Theories were plotted in order to arrive the facts, measure the tendencies and accurately trace the world’s beginnings. However, never amongst these theories has become a scientific law making it more likely to be a scientific fiction. The big bang for example explains that a tremendous explosion occurs billions of years ago and heavenly bodies are formed ... Read more

5 Months Contract

I promise not to blog anything that is work-related – not even a single detail on what I am doing in a company I am working for. But forgive me Sir CAC because I cannot stand on that vow. Anyway, I will not speak something technical here but is certain to my very own personal experience. My feelings towards what I am doing, my get together with you all as my “temporary peers or friends” and of course, my most overwhelming memories. The story is short but I will not iterate on how I was offered and eventually signed a ... Read more

An Open Letter to the Participants of the 2009 Adamson University Engineering Students’ Research Forum

To My Engineering Friends, Last February 10, 2009, an Engineering Students’ Research Forum was made possible through the hardworks of its organizers – the handful chairperson of IE Dept., the hardworking Director of Center for Research Evaluation, and the rest of the staffs. Research papers of various engineering departments had been presented including our own. It was not surprising that we students are actively been into innovative research, that’s why I was very thankful to the organizers wherein we were given a great chance to present our paper to the rest of our engineering colleagues. Based on the affair’s title, ... Read more