Learn How To Cook Meat Like A Boss With This Easy-To-Follow Guide

Meat forms a part of many people’s diets. People have been eating meat in its various forms for centuries. To some, meat is a luxurious food. But whatever your view of meat, one thing is for sure. It can make you ill if you don’t cook it well!

Cooking meat has often proved to be a challenge for many a person. Sure, one could read a cookery book and follow the instructions from that. But most of those books don’t go into great detail. Especially if you are a newbie at cooking!

In today’s handy guide, you will learn how to cook meat like a boss! Soon you will be able to impress your family and friends with your new cooking skills. Are you ready? Awesome! Here is what you need to know.

(Photo Credits: Clemens v. Vogelsang, on Flickr)


Before you start to cook your meat, you will need to know what meal you wish to prepare! I know I am stating the obvious here. But some folks forget about how the timing of their food preparation and cooking is key to serving up a great meal.

Another thing to remember is these instructions might not work for meat-free alternatives. Examples include soya-based foods, Quorn and so forth.

How to grill meat

When you grill meat, you should aim for a slightly-charred look to the outside edges of the meat. While the rest of the meat should be tender and juicy.

For those of you that want to cut down on calories, you can grill your meat without oil. Otherwise, brush a little oil on lean meat like pork.

To begin, preheat your grill to the highest setting for around ten minutes or so. After this time, add your meat onto the grill. Make sure that you position the meat a couple of inches away from the heat source.

Turn the meat over to cook the other side. Here is how long you should cook each side for:

  • Steak (around an inch thick) – 1.5 to two minutes for rare. Three minutes for medium. Four minutes for well-done;
  • Fillet steak (around 1.5 inches thick) – four minutes for rare. Five minutes for medium. Six minutes for well-done;
  • Pork or lamb chops – ten minutes for each side.

Be sure to check the juices are the correct color by using a skewer inserted into the thickest part of the meat.

How to fry meat

To fry your meat, you need to use a frying pan. The first thing you need to do is remove most of the fat so that there is only a small bit left on the meat.

Next, tenderize the meat. Most people use their fists! Once you have done that, you can season each side of the meat with some cracked black pepper. But don’t add salt as it will help the juices to leave the meat.

Heat up the pan to a high temperature. Next, add a teaspoon of oil to it. For the last step, hold the steak with both hands as you add it into the pan. That way, the heat will go on the whole surface at the same time. Make sure you don’t heat your hands up at the same time!

After around 1.5 to five minutes, turn the steak over using your favorite steak turning tool (not your hands this time). The less time each side cooks, the rarer it will be. Enjoy!