From afar, it was like a huge gazebo, seating northeast of the Mactan Newtown roundabout. Around 24 gigantic pillars in total stand firmly on the octagonal sides to support the massive roofing. No wall covers—not even temporary draping.
500 seats were arrayed around the sturdy wooden tables, spread within the inner perimeter. At the very center are the tenants who were handpicked by the developer to cater authentic Cebuano taste to their patrons.

Mactan Alfresco is the flagship dining destination of Mactan Newtown. It gives foodies a one-of-a-kind gastronomic journey in one single location. Patterned from Singapore’s hawker center, the Mactan Alfresco is a host to the best food scene in Cebu.
Among these dining establishments are: Choobi Choobi, Mama Linda Inato BBQ Haus, Manang Sayong, Orange Karinderya, Oyster Bay Seafood Restaurant, Muvanz Pucherohan and Seafoods, Conching’s Native Chicken, and of course, the famed pig roasters in town, namely Cebu’s Original Lechon Belly, Ana’s Lechon, and Ayer’s Lechon.

Learn the Art of Lechon Roasting
Aside from the awesome dining experience, guests will also get a chance to peek the art of making the world’s famous lechon de Cebu. The dressed pig is stuffed with seasonings, herbs, and spices. It is then brought to the lechon pit, on the west side of Mactan Alfresco, and roasted for hours. Brushing is done every now and then to achieve the desired crisp layer.

Have a Glimpse of Cebuano Culture
Mactan Alfresco holds colorful performances every Friday and weekend nights. Traditional Cebuano dances like Sinulog, Tinikling, Banga, Singkil, Ritwal, and other fire routines are performed live on a makeshift platform—not only to entertain guests but also to give them an idea on how vibrant Cebu is.

Experience the Mactan Beach
Moreover, complete your Mactan Newtown experience with a plunge on its beach. You do have an option to buy your food from Mactan Alfresco and level up the experience by taking out your dine to its slick white strip. Get a high dose of sunburst, white sand, and aquamarine deep.

About Mactan Newtown, the home of Mactan Alfresco
Mactan Newtown is Megaworld’s pioneer township development outside Metro Manila. It is envisioned as mixed-used development that fits to the “Live, Work, Play, Learn” lifestyle brand. Hotels and schools will soon add to the residential and office developments within the community.

For more information about Mactan Newtown, you may visit the following sites and pages:
Facebook: @MactanNewtown
Instagram: @mactannewtown_
Twitter: @mactannewtown_
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