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Ripping the band aid off

We are humans. As humans, we feel. When we are happy, we smile, we laugh. When we are sad, we cry. When we hurt, we bleed. And when I bleed, I put a band aid on wherever the wound is. I don’t...

Follow your pain

Follow your pain is the contrast of the famous line follow your bliss. Most of our pains in life ought to tell us something or rather to teach us something. But sometimes, we tend to miss the lessons...


We are a race capable of great compassion and of great violence.  “Optimus Prime” (Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen) Humans have been born with two specific tendencies, to be good...

Too Much

Feeling too much sometimes make us afraid of what may come next. To feel too much especially for someone makes us vulnerable since it threatens our own protective instinct for our own existence. It...