Studying for free and receiving a monthly allowance to finance my school requirements were just few of the privileges I received in my three years and eight months (7 semesters and 4 summer terms) of...
Studying for free and receiving a monthly allowance to finance my school requirements were just few of the privileges I received in my three years and eight months (7 semesters and 4 summer terms) of...
Moving my blog from blogger to wordpress was a piece of cake. I use Blogger’s export option to migrate my blog. I save the XML file and converted it to a WordPress readable XML file using an...
Following every session of the impeachment trial of Chief Justice Corona is a lot more thrilling for me than watching every episode of telenovela series on primetime. There are lot of things to...
This is my first article about grammar and the intenti0n is just to share and not start another blogging niche. Because of some sort of confusion with my colleagues, I searched on what are the actual...
Lately, my blog got a 403 forbidden error and it was too late to find out. My third party analytics tool showed that my blog isn’t consuming any bandwidth nor receiving any visits for a day so...
February 25 to 28 when a team of five – me including 4 of my friends and office mates flocked at NAIA 3 to fly to one of Philippines’ premier summer getaways – Coron, Palawan. After...
We kicked off our 2-day island hopping tour in Coron at Bulog Island, and island paradise in the southwest of Coron Island and east of Culion (see the map). We navigated for more than two hours just...
Aside form the enticing white beaches and the picturesque karst massifs that continuously rise from the sea, the magnificent world of live corals and underwater creatures is a must-see in of Coron...
Lectures, in the Philippines, are not only held in classrooms, business conferences or meetings, company-related functions, or tutorials sessions but also in a court hearing, broadcasted live and or...