
How to Upload WorpPress Media Files or Images in New Directory or Subdomain

Uploading WordPress files such as images in subfolders or root directory will increase your site loading performance. Well that is the observation of many web developers. Which is true because browsers need not to dig deep directories such as or if you install it in root directory you have as container of your images or files. Now here’s a way to simplify the media files directory. I will present two ways and make sure to read through before you’ll start the changes or setup. Method 1. Uploading Images in root directory or sub-folder You can upload all images ... Read more

Customize FeedBurner Subscription Form without Editing the Style Sheet or Theme

FeedBurner is one of the best way to make your readers return to your blog. This is a service that notifies your readers (once they subscribed) about your new blog entries. This is fast, easy to use and of course free. One way to publicize your feeds using in FeedBurner is to use subscription form however the html code of this form that they provide is too simple and style-free. The code below is the generic html code provided by FeedBurner. <form style=”border:1px solid #ccc;padding:3px;text-align:center;” action=”” method=”post” target=”popupwindow” onsubmit=”‘’, ‘popupwindow’, ‘scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520’);return true”><p>Enter your email address:</p><p><input type=”text” style=”width:140px” name=”email”/></p><input type=”hidden” value=”freedomwall/hJpT” name=”uri”/><input type=”hidden” ... Read more

jQuery Colorbox: The Best Image Zooming Plugin for WordPress Blogs

Photography is one of the new niches that I got interested recently and I would like to share some of my photos using this blog. Unfortunately, my post column width is too small to show large images. The tendency is to re-size the image and fit it into the narrow post column, and link the images to its direct URL which shows its original sizes. By doing this, your blog visitor will have to leave the site just to see the original image size or if you use target=”_blank” html code, images are shown in new window once clicked – ... Read more

Bonawon: Some Little History

Early residents of the barangay mostly believed that Barangay Bonawon comes from the Visayan word Bugnawon, which means bugnaw nga panahon or cold yet comforting weather. On the other hand, the Parish Priest of Siaton, Rev. Father Joaquin Gonzales, states that Bugnawon means peaceful minds of the residents or locally, bugnaw ang huna-huna sa mga lumulupyo. But whatever historical beginnings you believe, there is only one thing that we are sure about, that whoever stays in the barangay will truly find comfort. Bonawon mangrove area The early populace of the barangay were primarily composed of refugees from Mindanao who tried to ... Read more

SeaOrbiter: Futuristic Mobile Ocean Research Vessel to Sail Soon

The once rumoured futuristic oceanographic marine vessel that will conquer world’s oceans has completed its industrial design phase and construction is set to commence this October. The brainchild of French architect Jacques Rougerie, the SeaOrbiter – part submarine, part research ship, would also be the world’s first vertical ship to stand at 58 meters. The ship will serve as a scientific, mobile laboratory that aims to study the world’s most abundant habitat, the oceans and will soon sail in 2013. The concept of SeaOrbiter has been discussed for 12 years and Rougerie’s inspirations in designing the vessel are ocean explorer ... Read more

Morgan Freeman Donates $1 Million for Obama’s Reelection

Morgan Freeman, an actor who probably needs no introduction this time, joined the ranks of million dollar donors to fund President Obama’s reelection this November. Recently, Freeman made a donation of $1 million to super PAC (Priorities USA Action), a pro-President Obama political action committee. The actor’s contribution will be reported to the group’s federal disclosures on Friday. “President Obama has done a remarkable job in historically difficult circumstances. I am proud to lend my voice—and support—to those who defend him.” -Morgan Freeman The Democrat-friendly Priorities USA Action so far has raised $20.4 million but is still far behind Restore ... Read more

Play Angry Birds without ‘Touching’ on Samsung Smart TVs

Samsung Electronics officially announces the first motion-controlled angry birds App for its Smart TVs. Angry Birds is one of the most popular smartphone game apps worldwide with over a billion download. Photo Credit: Samsung Tomorrow Conventionally, Angry Birds is played by touch-drag-release control scheme to fire a slingshot. But with Samsung Smart TV you can do it remotely without touching the TV screen. The game will respond to the gamer’s gestures to set off the slingshot and activate each bird’s unique abilities. Samsung Smart TV will become the first TV to offer the world’s most popular game and set a ... Read more

‘Eat Bulaga’: Now Speaks Bahasa Indonesia

The Philippines’ oldest and most successful variety show, Eat Bulga, which airs Mondays through Saturdays at noontime is now shown in Indonesia. Surya Citra Televisi (SCTV), an Indonesian TV Network, obtained a franchise from TAPE Inc. (Eat Bulaga’s Producer) through a deal last month to produce their own version of the show bearing the same title and format. The Indonesian version will also be filled with entertainment, fun, games, prizes, and inspirations. There will be versions for Pinoy Henyo (“Indonesia Pintar”), Juan For All, All For Juan (“One For All, All For One”), Bulagaan (“Bolagaan”), and Karaoke Stud. Eat Bulaga’s host, ... Read more

Gov’t, to Build Expressway that Connects NAIA to PAGCOR City

The NEDA board approved the Government’s third PPP (Public-Private Partnership) priority project lined up for bidding for this year last May 30, 2012. DPWH received a consent from NEDA Board Chair President Benigno S. Aquino III to hold a bidding of the 13 to 15-billion peso NAIA Expressway project. The proposed NAIA Expressway project involves the maintenance and improvement of the existing NAIA Expressway Phase I road, the construction of Phase II of the NAIA Expressway, the construction of at-grade feeder roads leading to and from the PAGCOR Entertainment City, the operation and maintenance of the completed Phase 1 and ... Read more