
Freedom Wall is shortlisted for Best Cebu Blogs Awards 2016

I registered with a vision to create a community-based website where members can share everything they think worth sharing in the internet. I was thinking for an online “park” that encourages participation and communication to those who are virtually present on that park, thus an online Freedom Wall. That vision, however, did not materialize due to variety of reasons, such as scarcity of both resources and technical capabilities. Instead of keeping the domain idle for years, I experimented on blogging and wrote almost everything under the sun. My topics before range from personal, opinions, movie reviews, blogging tutorials, and ... Read more

How to Understand She Is Into You

Even in our modern world, women remain perplexing and mysterious. Before, to actually approach a girl you like, you wish to know if she feels the same. In this article, we decided to outline 10 signs that a girl likes you. Discover with Dating Brides! 1. She is eager to communicate This is, by all means, the core element of human relationships. When we are into someone, we try to communicate with this person more frequently. In your conversations, you can detect some hints of her affection – like she asks more follow-up questions, or is willing to express her ... Read more

Cebu Marriott features Healthy Meetings at Cebu Food Crawl 2016

We took our phones out from their shelters, connected to the WiFi, opened our respective Facebook apps, and started broadcasting the event via Facebook live. With the 100 Mbps internet speed, the 25 participants of Cebu Food Crawl 2016 simultaneously aired live videos from Cebu Marriott without interruption. The organizers even promised additional bandwidth to desaturate the data demand. Upon entering Gumamela function room, everybody noticed the delectable centerpiece of healthy sweets. The carrot cake slices and the whisky tumblers half-filled with banana chips, sweetened nuts, and yogurt were slavering. Healthy desserts by Cebu Marriott At one corner were fresh ... Read more

Montebello Villa Hotel: Cebu’s Only Garden Hotel

Weekday routines could be grueling. Working with difficult individuals, bumping into some annoying strangers, and getting stuck in an unrelenting gridlock strained me to my limits. That is why I love weekends. I can go to random getaways around the province to flush out toxic stress. Returning to work refreshed increases both my productivity and tolerance to pressure. But sometimes, travel could be equally stressful, especially when the weather and traffic conditions are not that cooperative. Hence, instead of going out of town, I spent one of my weekends within the city boundaries—in a place where the ambiance is close ... Read more

How to Earn Money While Traveling

Why do you travel? If not a business requirement, you just probably want to escape the corporate jungle once in a while, or to vent out a saturated working week dealing with annoying folks. You may also want to see the world at different vantage points, learn the ways of life, experience variety, meet interesting individuals on the road, or quench your thirst for adventure. But whatever reasons you may have, I know you will agree that there is so much good in traveling. The more you spend time at different places, the more motivated you are to keep on moving. ... Read more

Easy Diving and Beach Resort: Your Getaway Home in Sipalay

I couldn’t be sure if the sundown has passed. My phone ran out of juice and there was no other way for me to check the time. The sky was rather gloomy that day. Fine drizzles wetted the upper part of my shirt, which gave me an unusual chill. I stopped by at a mobile snack bar to get some siopao and refreshment. I remembered that I skipped lunch, so I had to grab some bites to fuel up. Not to mention, it was my birthday and I spent most of my day on the road. Traveling more than 15 ... Read more

Profood International: Behind the Famed Cebu- and Philippine-Branded Dried Mangoes

Dried mangoes are everyone’s favorite. That chewy and fruity feel is super addictive. As a matter of fact, I developed the liking the moment I took the first bite. That was long time ago. However, every dried mango experience I have brings me back to the first-time euphoria. With Profoods’ Best-Sellers (dried mangoes, etc.) The Philippine dried mangoes are one of the country’s top food export. Tons are shipped to Japan, the US, China, Canada, and many other countries around the world. Hence, when the organizers included Profood plant tour in the Cebu Food Crawl 2016 itinerary, I suddenly got excited. ... Read more

Cebu Food Crawl 2016 Concluded with a Progressive Dinner at Ayala Center Cebu

For four straight days, bloggers from Cebu, Davao, Cagayan de Oro, Bohol, and Manila hopped around Metro Cebu to experience the best of Cebuano food scene. We tasted interesting variety of flavors and witnessed inspiring success stories. On our list were established restaurants and upscale diners, as well as the impressive surviving small players in the industry. I will share about them individually in my future articles. Cebu Food Crawl Dilemma Everybody looked weary when we arrived at Ayala Center Cebu activity center. Ayala was the last stop of the last day of the 2016 version of Cebu Food Crawl, ... Read more

Mactan Alfresco Gathered the Best of Cebu Food Scene in One Spot

From afar, it was like a huge gazebo, seating northeast of the Mactan Newtown roundabout. Around 24 gigantic pillars in total stand firmly on the octagonal sides to support the massive roofing. No wall covers—not even temporary draping. 500 seats were arrayed around the sturdy wooden tables, spread within the inner perimeter. At the very center are the tenants who were handpicked by the developer to cater authentic Cebuano taste to their patrons. Oyster Bay is among the handpicked tenants of Mactan Al Fresco Mactan Alfresco is the flagship dining destination of Mactan Newtown. It gives foodies a one-of-a-kind gastronomic journey in ... Read more