
Challenging the Great Height of Taipei 101: The Life Lessons

Scaling Taipei 101 We scaled the view deck at the top floor of Taipei 101, anticipating that it would be much better up there. We were never wrong. It felt so good. We can see how the world progressed thus far. The horizon was pretty amazing. But it was sad. We had no idea what was happening below. The flickering street lights stir much of our curiosity. The emotion is quite familiar, which is exactly how we feel while looking up the clear, starry sky at night. There is so much unraveled mystery that we always wanted to comprehend. Taipei ... Read more

The Freedom of Traveling Today

There are many convenient aspects to our modern lifestyle, however, the great opportunity for easy, convenient travel is undoubtedly one of the most powerful aces up our sleeve. Some people don’t even realize the huge opportunity that is available in this area, which is unfortunate, because the world offers so much to explore and see. It’s a good idea to take the time to explore what you can do within your current capacity because after all, it’s never too late to get started. Air Travel Tips Finding Accommodation One of the biggest issues you’ll traditionally face when doing a lot ... Read more

Sambawan Island Travel Guide: How to Get There

One Friday eve, I went to Cebu’s port and boarded a ferry bound for Palompon, Leyte. Everything happened on random, and I had no fix itinerary in mind. But what I had been thinking that moment was spending a beach camp in Kalanggaman, an island floating off the coast of the boat’s destination. Short Introduction of my Random Trip The dawn chilled a bit as I walk around Palompon. The town was deeply asleep, except for the few “sikad” (rickshaw) drivers who were busy attending the new arrivals, and some teens who enjoyed staying late for some reasons. I realized that 2:30AM ... Read more

How to Commute and Where to Stay in Laiya, Batangas: A Travel Guide

Laiya is one of Manila’s closest beaches. Just hop on a bus from any major terminals in the metro, and then within 3 to 4 hours, you will find yourself photo bombing the picture-perfect ivory strip of Batangas province. Laiya is also close to the Batangas’ tastiest lomihan and gotohan, so don’t forget to drop by during your visit. Just another jump shot fail How to get to Laiya Via San Juan The fastest way to Laiya is via San Juan. Take ALPS Bus from either EDSA Nepa Q-Mart, Araneta Center Cubao, or Alabang Grand Terminal to San Juan, Batangas. The earliest ... Read more

Must-see Attractions in Macau: A Bucket List

There is something very special about the island of Macau. Formerly a Portuguese colony, this autonomous region is now back in the hands of the People’s Republic of China. Nevertheless, it reflects a huge mix of cultural influences, and is a fascinating place to visit. Given its westernized past, it’s unlike anywhere else in China. That is why, it should be on the bucket list for anyone looking to travel across Asia. If you want to know more about Macau and its traditions, be sure to put these must-see attractions on your to-do list. A view from Mount Fortress in ... Read more

7 Fun Attractions You Must Visit in Singapore

Singapore is a great destination for fun activities. There are numerous natural sites, as well as, incredible man-made innovations that make awesome attractions for those who love some fun. Moreover, there are world-class hotels where you can have sumptuous meals while you relax in luxurious accommodation. Singapore has a highly developed infrastructure making sure you can travel easily. Of importance to note, you must get a visa before visiting the city-state. To get all your travel documents without problems, seek the services of Visa Express Agents who are reliable and accessible. So, what are some of the fun attractions that ... Read more

My CBS Story—More Than a Fair Trade-Off: A Tribute to Cebu Bloggers Society’s 10th Anniversary

More than two years had passed since it all started. With that short period of time, I am proud to be part of something interesting, fun, and bubbly, which presence spans from web 2.0, social media, up to the tangible life realities. It isn’t merely a blogging community or an impulsive group of content creators but a society of spontaneous, multifaceted, and focused individuals. Cebu Bloggers Society (CBS), as it celebrates a decade of fun-filled life adventures, embraces individuality, making the group a great diversity on its own right. Our differences sometimes get us into quarrels, but at the end ... Read more

Sun Moon Lake Adventure: A One-Day Tour with KKday

It was the rain pelting the glass window that disturbed my sweet dream. With a peek, I could see the blurry apparitions of few individuals taking shelter under the well-illuminated sidewalk. I did not bother checking the time. I set an alarm at four thirty, so I returned to sleep, with hopes to gain additional strength. Day 3 in Taiwan It was our third day in Taipei. Since we only had 4 days to spend, we maximized every minute we have to explore around. We spent our first day checking museums, parks, infrastructures, and shops. And then on day two, ... Read more

Around Yogyakarta: A Comprehensive Travel Guide

Yogyakarta, a host to temples which beginnings are even earlier than the construction of Khmer Empire’s Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom, is a testament to Indonesia’s rich and extensive history. Aside from the temples, travelers could experience the best of Indonesia’s cuisine, night life, and hospitality in Yogyakarta. It is pronounced and commonly spelled as Jogjakarta. Locals simply call it Jogja /JOGH-jah/. Yogyakarta does not limit to being a center of tourism. Indonesia considers the region as the leading proponent of the preservation of classical Javanese fine arts and cultural heritage and symbols. The highest tier of Candi Borobudur is adorned ... Read more