Author: iAn L.
I'm iAn and I love the white beach, the blue sky, and the green massifs.
Consolidated Payment Services: Legit or Scam
May 10 of 2011 when I received a snail mail with a letter dated April 21, 2011. At the very first, I was cynical seeing the letter envelop because I hadn’t made any transaction or contact with Consolidated Payment Services (sender). The sender address was Singapore Post Center, PO Box 558, Singapore 914019. But I admit that seeing the letter header enthused me, when it stated it was an awards certification but the question behind my mind is, “for what?”. The letter started with a congratulatory greeting. Further reading disclosed that I was a winner of a guaranteed US$20,000.00 from ... Read more
Opportunity and the Poor
Studying for free and receiving a monthly allowance to finance my school requirements were just few of the privileges I received in my three years and eight months (7 semesters and 4 summer terms) of stay in Ozanam Study Grant Program (OSGP) of Adamson University. The basic requirement is hardwork and the basic tool is patience. Determination is not enough without hardwork but hardwork will not work without patience. Twenty-five to thirty hours of work a week on top of studying hours was really a burden for a chemical engineering student who has no one to depend on but himself. ... Read more
Smart 404: A Must Have WordPress Plugin
Moving my blog from blogger to wordpress was a piece of cake. I use Blogger’s export option to migrate my blog. I save the XML file and converted it to a WordPress readable XML file using an online app. I then uploaded the converted file to WordPress import page and then everything is working well. I am too lucky that Blogger hosted my images at picasa and so, I do not need to upload such images to WordPress. However, I do need a lot of work with my video files. Blogger controls the number of characters of your slug while ... Read more
Some Random Facts about Chief Justice Corona’s Impeachment
Following every session of the impeachment trial of Chief Justice Corona is a lot more thrilling for me than watching every episode of telenovela series on primetime. There are lot of things to anticipate and lot of events you could hardly forecast to occur. Unlike telenovelas in which you can always predict what is going to happen on the next episodes, the impeachement trial is unscripted and in real time with real characters in real circumstances. There are no rooms for predictions but there are lot of angles to view for inferences or conclusions. The impeachment trial is filled with real life ... Read more
Grammar Rule on Serial Comma
This is my first article about grammar and the intenti0n is just to share and not start another blogging niche. Because of some sort of confusion with my colleagues, I searched on what are the actual usage of serial comma. I am not an English major but I am doing writing works; aside for this blog, I am making a living as a technical writer. What is a serial comma? Serial comma, also known as series comma or final comma, is a comma placed before the coordinating conjunction such as and, or, and sometimes nor. For instance, the phrase – ... Read more
What is causing my Blog a 403 Forbidden Error?
Lately, my blog got a 403 forbidden error and it was too late to find out. My third party analytics tool showed that my blog isn’t consuming any bandwidth nor receiving any visits for a day so I check my page. Upon checking, whoah!, it shows a 403 Forbidden error. Panic? Yes! Because I am already paying a webhost (after a month of stay at Freehostia) and I am working hard to get a higher rank for my blog but then in an instant, my sweat will just be spent in vain? What is 403 forbidden error by the way? ... Read more
A Memorable Underwater Adventure at Coron, Palawan
February 25 to 28 when a team of five – me including 4 of my friends and office mates flocked at NAIA 3 to fly to one of Philippines’ premier summer getaways – Coron, Palawan. After touchdown at Busuanga Airport, officially Francisco B. Reyes Airport, we traveled 30 to 45 minutes to get to our accommodation. We then checked in to our hotel and took a tricycle ride to the foot of Mt. Tapyas. We started our adventure with an exasperating hike to the top of the 740-step hill. Atop is the picturesque panorama of the beautifully carved floating massif, the ... Read more
Shutter: Bulog Island, Coron’s Spectacle
We kicked off our 2-day island hopping tour in Coron at Bulog Island, and island paradise in the southwest of Coron Island and east of Culion (see the map). We navigated for more than two hours just to see this little wonder. Below are the photos we had during the tour courtesy of John Marx of Bulog Island Cottage Rocky and sandy terrain of Bulog Island The boat we used on our Island Hopping in Coron Some random photo of myself What am I doing with the tripod? In the background is Bulalacao Island. A clear water of Bulog ... Read more
Shipwreck Diving at Banol Island in Coron, Palawan
Aside form the enticing white beaches and the picturesque karst massifs that continuously rise from the sea, the magnificent world of live corals and underwater creatures is a must-see in of Coron, Palawan. One of the underwater havens of Coron is Siete Pecados. It is a group of 7 islets that are approximately close with each other, surrounded with awesome coral sanctuary and a variety of marine life. (Ship wreck diving at Bahul Island, Coron). During high tide, the wreck is 10-15 ft deeper. I couldn’t swim further so I struck a pose just half way. The other one is Banol Island that ... Read more